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資料筆數共計 4 筆,共計 1 頁 進階搜尋

Analyzing Alibaba’s Magic
作者姓名:Jae C. Jung; Yasheng Chen;
出版日期:2017/09/01內容長度:6 頁

Can innovations come from China? Some influential people don’t think so. Today, of course, Alibaba is the Chinese innovator that clearly stands out. This paper argues that Alibaba’s impressive rise as a leading innovator on the world stage was driven in no small way by the institutional voids that challenge other firms in the same business environment. Alibaba not only thrived in an institutional void, it was a filler of institutional voids. Alibaba’s .....more

Feng Farm (Traditional Chinese version)
作者姓名:David J. Sharp; Murray J. Bryant; Yasheng Chen
出版日期:2007/02/07內容長度:3 頁

A village leader must reallocate farmland and decides to hold a competition among the three most capable farmers in the village. The contract to the farmland will be awarded to the farmer with the best performance in the growing season. The growing season is over and the village leader must review the farmers' capital structure, capacity, and leasing costs, and make his decision.

Euro Telecom China - The Parallel Import Problem
作者姓名:David J. Sharp; Yasheng Chen
商品類型:Case (Gen Exp)商品編號:9B03B011
出版日期:2003/11/28內容長度:9 頁

The chief executive officer of Euro Telecom China must decide what to do about the unauthorized parallel imports from Malaysia of finished Euro Telecom China's mobile phones by independent mobile phone distributors and retailers. These imported mobile phones appeared to have taken nearly 20 per cent of the company's mobile phone market in China. The case explores quantitatively the complexities of management control in international joint .....more

Feng Farm
作者姓名:David J. Sharp; Murray J. Bryant; Yasheng Chen
商品類型:Case (Gen Exp)商品編號:9B02B005
出版日期:2002/05/23內容長度:3 頁

A village leader must reallocate farmland and decides to hold a competition among the three most capable farmers in the village. The contract to the farmland will be awarded to the farmer with the best performance in the growing season. The growing season is over and the village leader must review the farmers' capital structure, capacity, and leasing costs, and make his decision.